Friday, May 24, 2013

Did you know the primary cause of tooth decay isn't forgetting to brush your teeth, forgetting the floss, or not going to your dentist regularly. The primary cause of tooth decay is what we eat! Foods are often marketed to us as healthy, glamorous, or sexy, will often be the very foods that destroy our tooth enamel and create cavities. Learning what these foods are, and how to avoid them will save your teeth.

1. First of all, avoid eating breakfast cereals regularly. Especially cereals that contain a lot and a lot of sugar. Sugar is really toxic to your body, and it is this passionately bad for your teeth. Eating cookies for breakfast is a lot better than most cereals marketed to children. Nearly all of these cereals are highly processed, and contain sugar as three of the top five ingredients. Sometimes the word 'sugar' is a disguised as corn syrup, malt, Brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, but regardless it is still the same thing and extremely bad for you. The fact that marketing companies can legally target extremely addictive and toxic breakfast cereals to your children is ridiculous. Not only does it destroy your teeth, but it can lead to problems with ADHD, diabetes, and severely weaken your immune system.

2. Yogurt and 'Ensure". The fact is a lot of 'healthy foods' are just the opposite. They take out fat, but replace it with sugar. They don't care at all about your health. But they do want to make their products as addicting as possible. Yogurt has several teaspoons of sugar, even in the small containers. The problem with sugar is that as soon as you get nominated turn your saliva acidic for up to 30 min. During this time, candy mineralized your tooth enamel, creating soft spots, and eventually cavities.

3.Chips and Doritos. Some of the most profitable on companies make money by selling you things that are really about for you. Chips and readers are bad for your teeth because they can get stuck in your teeth. They're also highly processed, so they convert into acids very easily.  Chips and Doritos are also bad for your teeth come because they have very little nutrition. If you're going to eat them, make sure to rinse your mouth out afterwards, to remove as much of the residue as possible.

4. Soda. I was amazed when I found out 10 years ago that a study proved people who drink soda are more likely to be overweight. My first thought was the Duh! Sugars addictive, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you eat a lot of it, you're going to gain weight. The carbonation and soda is acidic, but the sugar is even more acidic. Once you drink it it is instantly converted into an asset by the bacteria in your mouth. Acid drinking soda will remain in your mouth for up to one half hour. During this time period, your mouth will be 100 times more acidic.

5. Granola bars - yes, those healthy granola bars are really very healthy for you. In fact, he can be very bad for you. A lot of them contain tons of sugar. The average American eats 2 1/2 pounds of sugar per week. Cutting back on processed foods and roll bars is a great way to cut back on your weekly sugar intake.

6. Slim fast and protein shakes. Yes, these are supposed to be healthy for you. Unfortunately, they're also very addictive with lots of sugar, artificial flavoring, and chemicals. You don't really want to eat this stuff for a long time. If you want to be healthy, get the garbage out of your diet. This is the best way for you to have healthy bones and healthy teeth that will last you a lifetime.

The truth is that big manufacturing companies have not tried to cater to our nutritional needs. Rather they have been using addictive artificial flavoring, and sugar to sell us their products for years. We have become so accustomed to these products that we seldom question whether or not we are actually helping our bodies or hurting them. We need to reevaluate our entire train of mind. We need to start eating foods that are natural, grown locally, and are good for our bodies. This will help us to avoid sicknesses, tooth decay, and cavities.

About The Author:

Spencer is an expert on natural healing and how to improve your dental health.  He recently published and ebook called "Prevent Cavities and Tooth Decay Naturally." Learn more by visiting

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