Monday, March 18, 2013

Depression is a serious dent on mental health. We all have suffered from episodes of sadness at one point in our lives. Depression can range from short-term disability to chronic disorders. People who are depressed find it difficult to function normally because they are unable to think straight. Overwhelming negative thoughts could also drive people to think about suicide.

What people fail to realize is that depression is linked to diet. Inadequate nutrition could hold the key in helping people who are depressed to feel much better. Fruits, surprisingly have been tagged to be beneficial for people suffering from chronic depression. Here are some of the fruits that you can eat to ease the pain and make depression go away.


Avocados are one of the best fruits that you can eat to fight depression. It is rich in tryptophan which is one of the 22 essential amino acids that the body needs. The avocado is also one the richest sources of protein, folate and omega-3 fatty acids that is beneficial for the health of the heart. Tryptophan acts as a biochemical precursor of serotonin which is synthesized through tryptophan hydroxylase. An increase on the serotonin levels in the brain helps people get over depression.

Marmalade Plum

Marmalade plum is described as a combination of sweet potato and pumpkin with a texture of an avocado. It is great for milkshakes as it will help make your mood positive and help strengthen your bones with its calcium content.


Guava is a tropical fruit that is more known for its vitamin C content. It is a perfect fruit for pregnant women since it has a lot of potassium which helps in alleviating leg cramps that is ever present during pregnancy. It is also rich in folate and tryptophan that are essential for the prevention of postpartum depression.


Tamarinds are fruits that are usually marketed as candies. The sugar-coated tamarind candies are readily available in tropical countries where this fruit is abundant. Magnesium and calcium are among the nutrients that can be found in tamarinds. The combination of these minerals is crucial in giving a person a restful sleep. Sometimes, people who are under stress or depression would feel much better after a good night sleep. Magnesium is often used by mental health professionals to provide relief to people who have been plagued with the symptoms of depression. Low-levels of magnesium were seen to cause depression, headaches and irritability which are readily reversed with a good dose of magnesium.


Soursop is another tropical fruit that has a sweet-sour taste that will surely lift your spirits. It has a taste that is often described as a cross between a strawberry and a pineapple. It has been touted to be effective against cancer however there have yet solid and peer-reviewed studies to conclude that the soursop is really beneficial to help people with certain cancers. For now, soursop is great for providing relief from depression, stress and other nervous disorders. It is rich in magnesium which is one of the wonder nutrients that the body needs to lift its spirits.

Sweet Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium there is no debate on that. It is also rich in magnesium that is beneficial for people who are having bouts with depression. It also contains fiber and also has a lot of tryptophan. Choose bananas that are uncooked since they have more tryptophan contents. Potassium also has beneficial effects in lowering blood pressure that may impact depression. Bananas also help maintain a healthy digestive tract. This fruit also has a sizeable amount of B-complex vitamins that are also helpful in keeping the brain happy as it reduces the symptoms of depression.

Aside from getting expert advice and prescription from a mental health professional, it would be beneficial if you are getting the right nutrients through diet. Eating the right kind of foods may help an individual get over depression. Depression is a very serious illness and it is best tackled through a holistic program. Friends and families should also show some support to the sufferer’s journey to become happier.

About the Author:

Ryan Rivera used to suffer from anxiety attacks for seven years. For more information regarding these topics, check out his Calm Clinic Google+ account.

Image Credit:
Learning Hangeul

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