Monday, March 18, 2013

Body detoxification is a crucial function your body performs in order to stay healthy. These detox processes safeguards your body from damage caused by industrial contaminants, environmental toxins and even chemicals in your food. Therefore, if you don’t maintain these detoxification processes, your body simply cannot perform optimally. Cleansing food types helps your body to cleanse itself and detoxify thoroughly.

The best cleansing food types are those that are easily digestible, rich in nutrition and fibre, and foods that help stimulate the body’s cleansing process. You should eat these foods in the most unprocessed form and always bear in mind that fresh and organic produce are best.

Bloody Beetroots:

Beets are renowned for supporting your kidneys and liver. It also helps your liver increase bile production. Bile is the liver’s secretion essential for healthy digestion. Your body must make enough bile each day to maintain this important detoxification function.

Eating raw and slightly cooked beets are typically best. You can put beets in salads or serve them as a side -dish. An alternative way to consume beets is to incorporate and drink them in a vegetable juice. However, you need to beware, since beets become extremely powerful when ingested in a liquid form. Drinking too much beet juice can cause a cleansing/detox reaction that feels more like diarrhoea.

Secret Celery:

Celery has long been used as a versatile, all-embracing medicine and tonic. Celery is known to be one of the best all-round natural body cleansers. For the best detoxification results, eat raw celery sticks or drink celery juice on a daily basis.

The benefits of drinking celery juice include removing bad cholesterol and balancing the body’s pH levels (alkalinity vs. acidity). Celery also has a natural laxative effect; it replaces electrolytes, and produces a powerful mineral juice.

It is commonly believed that all grains contain fibre that helps cleanse your body, but it does more. Unprocessed alkaline grains are your best choice for detoxification. Most people’s bodies are acidic, due to eating processed foods, but our bodies function best when our pH is slightly alkaline.
Alkaline grains improve digestion, help the cleansing process along, and help to balance the body’s pH levels, so as to be slightly alkaline. These grains include amaranth, millet, quinoa and buckwheat. Keep in mind that organic is best.

All Citrus fruits are excellent body cleansers. Mandarin fruits, oranges and grapefruits are best consumed in the morning, since this is the natural time of day your body detoxifies itself. Citrus fruits help to clear toxic accumulation, stimulate lymphatic flow, and even stimulate peristalsis of the intestinal tract to help clear waste.

Try to drink a large glass of warm water with fresh lime or lemon juice at the start of each day. Freshly pressed grapefruit juice taken 2 or 3 times a day also helps to clear waste. Citrus is high in vitamin C, which strengthens your immune system and is an extremely powerful antioxidant.

These are only some of the top cleansing foods to get your detoxification on track. Add these foods to your diet to help your body cleanse itself. You will be healthier, happier and more energetic.

About The Author:

Muun-unit is a hippie, eco-warrior, and nature-loving kind of guy - who enjoys travelling the world and cooking gourmet dishes. He is passionate about everything “green” or eco-friendly, and believes that everyone should do their part in conserving our beautiful environment. Muun-unit wrote this article for a South African based, online recipe provider that features some fantastic organic Chicken Breast Recipes.

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