Monday, February 25, 2013

Music and food have had a love affair almost since the two came into existence. In the Stone Age days, prehistoric man would feast and then revel to the beat of drums and other crude instruments. Today, most restaurants play soothing music as their patrons wine and dine. But what is it that makes food and music so compatible? Why is it that both music and food appeal to us in almost the same way, exciting and eliciting emotions of pleasure and enjoyment? Here are five things that attempt to explain this.

Lyrics and Ingredients

Both music and food are a composition of diverse components that make the whole. The ingredients that go into food are as varied as there are types of foods and the composition and arrangement of the ingredients gives rise to tastes and gastronomical experiences that delight the taste buds. How true this is of music too! With notes and lyrics arranged in exacting fashion to create sounds and songs that appeal to our innermost senses, music becomes a perfect mirror image of food.


Think of an orchestra with a conductor and think of a kitchen with a chef. Can you spot the difference? Maybe just in the fact that one is dealing with something intangible (music) while the other deals with tangible items (food) but in terms of roles, they are pretty much the same. Each ensures that the happenings with their “orchestra” produce the most wonderful and delightful outcomes for their consumers. Working in concert, each “player” keeps time and harmony with the others to ensure the outcome is both predictable and sublime.

Emotional Input

Music and food elicit almost the same sort of emotions in their partakers. And in the same way, those who create music and food put a lot of emotion into their works of art. The frantic motions of a musician conjuring sweet melodies from an instrument are akin to a chef laboring at the pot, coaxing each ingredient to combine with the next to create that wonderful taste he has conceived in his mind. You may also have seen passions flare in the kitchen as much as in the studio as each artist passionately demands nothing but the best.

Creative Expression

Music and food are both created using creative processes. It may be true that anyone can cook if they follow a recipe very carefully, but not everyone can be a master chef who can cook up a wonderful meal with nothing but a bunch of ingredients, a pot and a wooden spoon. The same goes for music as it can only be wonderfully created through a creative process. You could go to school for years to study either cookery or music but the baseline is that you are either born with it or not.

Taste and Pitch

In much the same way the ears can tell pitch and tempo in music so can the taste buds tell taste. With varying degrees to each, the two senses of taste and hearing are able to distinguish the different characteristics of the components of music and food to interpret them into the sensations we know all too well. Enjoying food and music is all about how our senses interpret the different tastes and pitches and how we receive them with pleasure or displeasure, comfort or discomfort.

About The Author:

Guest post by Scott Ryan, writing for Morris Brothers Store, a store that explore the wonderful connections between music and everything in life.

Image Credits:
Brandon Giesbrecht



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