Thursday, December 27, 2012

image credit: ambernambrose

People are really getting more and more excited everyday knowing that Christmas is just a week behind. Maybe a lot of you already have a menu for the upcoming holiday. But do you already have a choice of cocktails and other alcoholic drinks? Well then, to help you out on thinking what cocktails you should make on that day, I've listed some of the Christmas cocktails you can make.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

image credit: Brian Legate

Our understanding of coffee has changed since the introduction of specialist coffee shops. “However it comes” is no longer an acceptable response when asked how we like our morning pick me up. The problems arise when we try to recreate what we experienced in the cafĂ© at home. No matter how much we spend on a fancy espresso machine the outcome just never seems as good. There is more to making the perfect espresso than meets the eye, however with a little practice and knowledge there is a chance that we can come somewhere close.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

image credit: vegan-baking

The Hazelnuts were cultivated and enjoyed throughout history. The Chinese established orchards of the nuts dating back to 3000 B.C. In Syria along the areas which border the Black Sea have these nuts growing naturally within the dense forest regions. The Romans gathered hazelnuts from the same territory for eating and baking. They believed that the nut came from Syria, but history shows they migrated there from China through trade ships. Even in early times the benefits of hazelnuts were understood by many people.
image credit: evert-jan

There is a wide array of teas available out there, including ones like Tulsi tea that are highly utilized and revered in the Indian culture. Then there are the wildly popular and sold ones, like green tea. Made solely from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, green tea undergoes minimal oxidation during processing.

Read more about green tea – and another great tea brew you can explore – in this article.

Monday, December 17, 2012

image credits: ugod

“Tired of cooking?”, “Just like home-cooked meal”, “Mum’s meals straight to your door”... Nowadays with the fast paced life everyone is eating on the go and many prefer their meals to be cooked and delivered to their door steps. How healthy is it though?
image credits: ravemastershun

When it comes to food, we Filipinos got one of the strongest traditions and recipes for that. I've been brought up as a pinoy kid. I'm already fat even before and because of my lola's cooking (lola is grandma in english), I can't even control what I eat because it was really delicious. I grew up here in Manila but in other parts of the Philippines you can see more pinoys (slang word for Filipino) that accustomed food with feasts, birthdays, weddings and more in a much larger scale. Because Filipino traditions are really great to share to our fellow neighboring countries, I've compiled a list of Christmas recipes that you should try this coming season of giving.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

image credit: set carre

For the kitchen technie, cook, or chef in everyone, there’s an entire list of ideas that can fall under your shopping list this year. From something as large as a new standing mixer to as small as a personalized kitchen magnet, there’s something out there for every taste and for every budget. Whether you’ve almost gotten your shopping wrapped up this year or you’re still looking to fill a few slots, check out these unique kitchen gifts for an added spark of excitement under the tree.
image credit: summerlovin

Thinking of treating your colleagues to some homemade mince pies this Christmas, it’s not just as simple as that. There was an estimated 371,000 cases of food poisoning in England and Wales in 2009 resulting in 17,500 hospitalizations and 88 deaths (UK Gov).

The festive season is known as the time for food sharing and consumption so it’s important to keep food hygiene and safety at the front of your thoughts so that you can fully enjoy the turkey and all the trimmings. Here are some tips for making sure your Christmas lunch goes without any glitches this year.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

image credits: treevillage

If you're not a beer drinker, you'll have a bit of a hard time choosing one. The different types alone can make anyone's head reel in confusion. Then there are also the different brands to choose from, which makes everything all the more confusing. However, to make everything easy for you, here are the two different types of beers.
Image Credits: rick_romer

Christmas dinner is perhaps the most important meal of the year in most houses. Christmas is a time for family and togetherness and each year grown-up children return from the four corners of the world to be with their families for Christmas. There are few occasions during the year when families are so fully reunited, hence the importance of Christmas dinner when most of the chairs at the table will be filled by their rightful occupants.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

image credits: christijohnstone

The trend toward mini foods is everywhere. From breakfast to dinner and dessert, almost any food can be minified. Try some of these, and then experiment with some of your own!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

image credit: freedigitalphotos

Take Notes

The first step in becoming a wine guru is by taking notes of how the wine smells, tastes, and feels. Rather you're a frequent wine tester or you're just starting your journey it is crucial to take notes of the particular wine that you taste. Wine bars in Houston, and all over the globe for that matter have people from all different skill ranges that meet together to discuss their favorite wines and try new ones. It is important to welcome new wine tasters with open arms and never be too judgmental of their opinions and level of knowledge. Always be sure to take note of how the wine made you feel, the strength, and how easily it goes down. This will give you a base in the future to understand the wine in greater detail and properly rank a low quality wine and a high quality wine from past experience.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

image credits: mr_t_in_dc

Food trucks are the “it” thing right now. Almost everyone has bought some type of food from a food truck while on their way to work or just out running errands. There are even television shows dedicated to food trucks! The old conception that the food that comes out of these trucks is pre-packaged and bland tasting is no more. Food trucks have come a long way with making delicious, fresh food that actually tastes great! It looks like food trucks are here to stay for a while at least.
image credit: palindrome6996

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas … at least on the insides of our homes, if not on the out. Now various decorations are filling up houses and buildings alike, and it’s hard to find a building that comes without an added dose of holiday cheer. Whether in the form of music, bell ringers, or just twinkling lights strung about, it’s safe to say it’s getting closer and closer to the most wonderful time of the year.
image credit:

In today's world, k-cups of coffee come available in a wide variety of flavored blends. Through each of these flavored blends, k-cup coffee provides coffee consumers everywhere with a few completely scrumptious cup of coffee or espresso that comes available in an incredible amount of flavor options.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

image credit: avlxyz

Whether you’re hosting a Christmas party with your mates, having some pre-drinks for a buck’s party, or simply celebrating a birthday at home, serving the right kind of drinks is essential to making sure everyone has a great night.

If you want to get out of the simple “beer and spirits” rut, here are five suggestions for cocktails that won’t make anyone feel too girly.
image credits: Alan Cleaver

Is it possible to eat yourself skinny? Maybe not, but there are foods that can help you burn fat and lose weight. Here are some healthier food choices.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bringing patrons to your restaurant is not as simple as opening the doors and serving great food. Public relations, marketing and advertising are key to the success of your new venture.

image credit to mcbarnicle of flickr

The restaurant business is a popular venture that can prove to be very profitable. People are fond of eating out with their friends and family. If you consider opening up a food venue as an investment, there are some basic equipments you need to acquire.


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